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ClergyClergy Health

Clergy Drop Out-Physical Health (3)

By March 7, 2012No Comments

Some more ideas about how to find exercise in and around your daily activities.

11. There are some great workout videos, Yoga videos, etc. that can be used in the privacy of your home. Of course if a family member can be encouraged to join you, then there is some valuable bonding that can take place at the same time.

12. Dance classes, aerobic classes, spinning classes, and many other opportunities await the person who looks for them.

13. Choose a sport that you enjoy and look for a team in your community that you can join. Playing sports is a lot better for you than simply watching them.

14. A pet that needs to be walked regularly can contribute to your health. Choose a pet that will push you a little on your walk. Find a friend who also has a pet and plan some joint walks.

15. Choose activities on your day off that engage you physically. Maybe visit a park with walking trails. If you have children, try flying a kite or playing catch.

16. Find some rhythmic music that you enjoy and find a private place where you can overcome your inhibitions and dance with lots of body movement.

17. Build in some stretching and jogging to your morning wake up routine. You don’t have to be a marathon runner to gain the benefit.

18. Bike riding, especially with members of your family can have multiple benefits.

19. Be charitable while taking care of yourself by joining in the fund-raising walks and runs. It is not who comes in first and its lots of fun.

20. Invite some members of your congregation to go bowling, skating, hiking, etc. You build community among your congregants while you are contributing to both their health and yours.

21. Make it a congregation wide project to discover many little ways that the members can get exercise and award points for activities so that it is a fun, public way to improve everyone’s health. Consider it another angle on the stewardship of the body that God has provided us.

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