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ClergyClergy HealthDenominations

Clergy Drop Out- Physical Health (5)

By March 9, 2012No Comments

Since we are facing some rather shocking statistics on the decline of clergy health, it is important that judicatories, in our case presbyteries, look at what they can do to encourage clergy to take care of themselves physically. What follows are some scattered ideas to encourage judicatories to begin to think creatively in this area.

First, it would be a positive first step to occasionally have some simple health screening available at the gatherings. Even as basic as inviting a parish nurse to offer blood pressure tests, body mass index, carotid artery scans, etc.

Weight loss contests could be set up — sort of based on the biggest loser TV program.

Congregations could compete with each other to see who could come up with the best health maintenance program. The Lutherans (ECLA) have encouraged a denomination wide program to lift up great congregational programs for health.

A health checkup list could be developed and sent to the sessions of the congregation listing some basic practices — exercise, sufficient sleep, healthy eating practices, etc. that the pastor and session could take and then talk to each other about how they are doing.

Some of the programs offered by the Board of Pensions to encourage good health can be identified for the churches so that they can take advantage of them. There are programs on weight loss, smoking cessation, chronic illness management, etc.

A clergy health fair could be arranged with a series of workshops, screenings, etc. as both a way of informing the clergy and emphasizing the importance of caring for their bodies.

Keeping the bodies healthy within the Body of Christ is one facet of living out our faith.

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