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ClergyEmotional Health

Clergy Drop Out — Under-appreciation (2)

By March 14, 2012No Comments

Yesterday, I raised the issue of the impact of under-appreciation in the ministry. I think it began as an idea of a group called Focus on the Family, but then the Presbyterian Outlook magazine joined in suggesting that October become Pastor Appreciation month. I know of some churches who have a pastor’s appreciation banquet each year. The good side of those attempts, is that it at least highlights the fact that we all need appreciation. The down side is that once it becomes a routine, it loses some of its authenticity.

One of the valuable roles that a judicatory can play in this issue is to occasionally nudge a congregation and its membership into an awareness of the importance of expressing appreciation. Let me suggest a couple of ways that they can do this.

A presbytery could easily communicate to a congregation a reminder of the ordination anniversary and the call anniversary of their clergy. One of the highlights of my ministry was my congregation having a surprise celebration for my 25th anniversary of ordination and 10th anniversary of my call among them. Frequently, if reminded of the dates, congregations enjoy the opportunity to do something like that.

When a pastor has done something significant in ministry beyond the congregation, a presbytery could have a member of presbytery present a certificate of appreciation to the pastor during the worship service of his or her congregation. This would allow the congregation to become aware of and celebrate another dimension of their pastor’s ministry.

A presbytery could also create an event during one of their meetings that lift up the significant efforts of the clergy of all congregation. For example, a presbytery could gather some statistics about the average number of hours a pastor spends in worship preparation, hospital visitation, marriage counseling, administration, youth work, etc. and then combine them into a litany that could be used in a presbytery worship service.

(Continued tomorrow)

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