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Clergy Killers in Churches (Part 5)

By September 4, 2013No Comments

Clergy Killers Depend on Silence

A first step in preventing damage from Clergy Killers is for the leadership (Elders/Deacons) to admit the problem exists. You do not read in the letters to Paul that Paul was reluctant to recognize that there were real problems in the church that needed to be addressed. Negative people who are critics in the dark rather than in the light create a toxic atmosphere in a church. For the governing board in a church to simply speak aloud that it is important to counter any negative spirits in the church puts people on notice that such issues are important.

Pastors Need to Know They Are Not Alone.

You would be surprised at the healing power for a pastor to know that others are aware of their struggles and care. For some Elders (Translate Elders or Session into governing board) to say aloud that they are concerned about attacks on the pastor and want to explore ways to support him or her, is enormously supportive. I have even been lifted up by private expressions of support during times of conflict. While I think there are some things that a session or governing board can do, even voicing the concern is a major first step.

Naming Demons Is First Step to Exorcism

We are reminded in Scripture that naming the demons was a first step towards exorcism. By naming the negative spirits, attitudes, or behavior taking place in a congregation, that demon is brought out into the light and can be addressed. Even when you think a criticism of a pastor is valid, it can only be dealt with when it is named. Frequently when such concerns are spoken, they have far less power than when they were whispered in the dark.

Pastor and Session Naming the Concerns

At a session meeting, give each Elder and clergy a 3 X 5 card and have them each list up to 3 negative comments, attitudes or behaviors that they have noted. They don’t have to agree or disagree with what is named but only that they are aware of it in the life of the congregation. No names or identification as to whether they are elders or clergy is put on the card. Whether they are valid or not, the items named are having a toxic effect on the spirit of the congregation.

The cards are collected and the body is told that they will be collated and brought back to the next meeting. It is likely that there will be some issues, etc. that will be mentioned by several. The body will be looking for the top four issues, attitudes, or concerns that affect the spirit of the congregation.

(Continued on next blog)



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