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ClergyCongregationsEmotional HealthVocation

Clergy Drop Out (16) Loneliness

By March 2, 2012No Comments

The church statistics are overwhelming that the drop out of clergy in the first five years is increasing exponentially. It is also true that many clergy seek early retirement because they are exhausted before they reach 65. What could a congregation do to ameliorate the pressures that lead to such a decision. For the last week, we have been speaking of the force of loneliness on the emotional health of a pastor. Imagine a congregation taking on the challenge of supporting a pastor in manner that might lessen those statistics.

Yesterday I listed ten factors that might lead a pastor to experience loneliness in the pastorate. What if a congregation or their ruling body took that list, adding other items if identified, and once every couple of years asking the pastor to rate from 1 (no problem at all) to 10 (a critical issue) each of those areas as experienced by the pastor. At the same time, have the session (ruling body) rate which of those factors would most weigh on their pastor. Then, in an open discussion discuss the pastor’s ratings and that of the session.

Following that discussion, begin to brainstorm together some possible antidotes to the pressures identified.

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