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Clergy Sacramental View (4)

By September 29, 2011No Comments

I have found allowing the psalms to guide me in preparing a prayer has taught me a lot about how to pray . Take a psalm and allow it to be the framework but rewrite it in more personal and contemporary terms. For example, consider Psalm 23.

Based on Psalm 23
God, because you are like a shepherd to me, I know that finally I have all that I need in life.
Yet, Lord, it is hard to trust that I will never lack in the essentials of what I need for life.
My life is often filled with insecurities and fears that I don’t have enough.
Lead me this day besides still waters
Restore my soul that I might experience a peace that passes all understanding.
Calm my fears and renew my trust in you.
Lead me also in the paths of right living that your name might be glorified.
Help me to think, speak, and act in ways that honor you.
God, as I continue to walk this path of life, there are so many unexpected turns that make me nervous, so many dark shadows that hold fears for me.
Remind me of your constant presence.
Like a shepherd and his sheep, show me the rod and the staff by which you comfort and protect me.
Lord, you have been good to me
Even when I felt surrounded by problems, it was like you were preparing a banquet for me and feeding me with faith.
I have sensed your blessing on my head.
and my cup has overflowed with goodness and mercy.
By faith I know, Lord, that goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
I trust that by your invitation, I shall surely dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.

Try it for yourself. Let it feed you.

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