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By October 23, 2015No Comments

I will be going to Kansas City, Mo to the Oasis conference on Sunday, October 25 to offer a workshop on comedy and an evening of comedy entertainment. This is a synod version of the APSE conference, so I will be with both educators and clergy.

It is not easy to be either an educator or clergy in denominations during these chaotic days in the church.

  1. Denominations expect you to keep your church happy and supportive of the denomination.
  2.   Churches expect you to prevent all controversial actions by the denomination.
  3. Jesus expects you to exceed the demand to forgive everyone 70 times 7. Why else would God provide you so many opportunities both in the church and the denomination.


Consider the challenge of an educator in the church in today’s world.

Parents come to an educator and say:

  1. Please teach my children to be good, obedient children.
  2. Please excuse the fact that with travel soccer and baseball, we can only be at church about once a month.
  3. Please don’t teach my child ideas that might challenge our lifestyle.

People expect a lot from clergy:

  1. They want you to be an expert on sin without experiencing it.
  2. They want you to turn water into wine but not drink enough of it to get happy.
  3. They want you to demonstrate grace and forgiveness to the congregation but never expect it from the congregation if you mess up.

Maybe when God stayed Abraham’s hand and prevented him from sacrificing Isaac (laughter), God was teaching us that laughter is a critical part of our living the promise.

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