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Congregational Care of Clergy (3)

By September 6, 2011No Comments

As with the congregational care of the physical health of clergy, caring for their emotional health might begin with a small group asking themselves the question as to what about being a pastor of a congregation affects the emotional health of a clergy. While some emotional stressors are the result of negative behavior by either individual members or the congregation as a whole, a lot of the emotional cost of being a pastor is simply the normal factors of being a pastor. It is important for those concerned with the emotional health of a pastor to be aware of both those things that can be changed and those areas that will always be a part of being in the ministry. The challenge for a church is how best to suport the pastor in coping with all of these emotional pressures.
A partial list might be as follows:
1. How can the congregation be educated as to respect the pastor’s day off.
2. Does the congregation understand when it is appropriate to interrupt the day off.?
3. Does the pastor recognize the session’s support for taking alternate time when the day off is interrupted?
4. Does the session encourage the pastor to take his or her full vacation and study leave during the year.
5. Does the session support the pastor having regular sessions with a counselor or spiritual director?
6. Is there a mechanism of support when either an individual or a group within the congregastion becomes particularly difficult?
7. Has the session worked to create a culture of appreciation when the pastor has done a good job. Far too often individuals will feel free to lift up complaints but will neglect to say thank you when appropriate.
8.Is the pastor encouraged to have fun and to laugh?
9. Do people invite the pastor to non-church related events in the commuity?
10. Does the session or other groups recognise the shared sacrifice of the pastor’s family?

Like with the care of physical health, the task group will come up with other ideas. Then they should share with the pastor and see what is most relevant. The next task is how to best cope with the pressures and what they can do to experience refreshment.

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