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Theological Fiction

Date Rape Revisited

By September 26, 2018No Comments



She walked into the bar where she saw Carl, her daughter’s boyfriend, drinking with his buddies. He wore a muscle shirt, shorts and sandals on top of pink nylon socks. She walked up to the table and said: “Carl, I need to talk with you in private.”
Carl looked around the table at his buddies, laughed, and said, “Sure, anything you say.” He rose from the table, rolled his eyes at his companions, and said, “Lead the way.”
She turned, walked across the room and into a side room. He followed her with a slightly exaggerated swagger. As he walked into the room, still putting on a show for his tablemates, she turned, fell to her knees in front of him, and brought a hammer down with a crushing blow to his right foot, breaking a number of bones.
She said that when she heard him scream, she assumed it was a cry of pleasure. She knew that he liked it rough because he always talked tough. He was always saying things like, “No pain, no gain.” It was clearly an act between two consenting adults, she explained. He willingly went with her into the other room. Besides, he was always dressed in skimpy socks and other provocative clothing as if he were asking for it.
When he complained that she had permanently injured his foot, she responded that it was similar to the wound her daughter would carry because he had date raped her earlier in the evening.

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