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ClergyEmotional Health

Demons and Emotional Health

By January 17, 2012No Comments

Yesterday I talked about Rollo May’s concept of the demons in us being he daimons or natural urges getting out of control. It’s natural to feel anger when you experience an injustice. It’s natural to appreciate the beauty of another person’s well proportioned body. The problem occurs when anger becomes hate and appreciation becomes lust, etc. We also talked about how Jesus named the demons that he exorcised from a person possessed. You may have had the experience of helping another person recognize that their obsession with a bigger house or a fancy car was unhealthy.

Today, I want you to begin a process of self-examination that can lead to your ability to more readily recognize your own feelings and by naming them, at least to yourself, regain some control over them. The first part of the exercise is to get some 3 x 5 cards or some other form of keeping a mobile notebook with you. As you go throughout the day, make note of every time something happens that evokes a feeling within you. Keep track of all feelings, positive and negative, healthy and unhealthy. Don’t censor yourself. This list is for you alone. Keep that up for several days. Don’t beat on yourself if you suddenly become aware that you have forgotten to keep track. Just note the feeling you have upon realizing that and then continue on.

After you have compiled a list for several days, take some time to examine your list. The first thing that will probably strike you is how many and varied the feelings are that are evoked in your life. To paraphrase a biblical encounter that Jesus had with a demon possessed man, they are legion.

We will continue this conversation tomorrow.

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