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Denominational Daimons

By January 20, 2012No Comments

Continuing our discussion on the daimons or natural urges of the body of Christ, let us look at the daimons of a presbytery or regional association within a denomination.

It is a healthy exercise to try to identify the daimons of the regional body of most denominations. What are the natural daimons that exist in any connectional system within a denomination? You might call this naming the benefits or values of a connectional church or why do we want to be associated or accountable to each other among regional congregations? Ecumenical associations have fallen on hard times and many denominational associations are also struggling to survive in an age of localism. Go ahead and try to make your list.

Mine would go something like this:
There is a natural desire for camaraderie among clergy, especially within a denomination.
There is a desire to strengthen the witness of the Christian church through cooperation one with another.
There is a recognition of the benefit of being accountable to a larger reality that can expand our understanding of reality.
There is a desire to extend our witness through the support of others who minister on our behalf.
There is a desire to bring our gifts and skills to bear in a way that strengthens the ministry of each church.
There is a felt need to have a gate-keeper role in monitoring clergy coming in and leaving our area as well as new candidate preparation.
There is a recognition that sometimes a larger body can moderate and mediate in conflictual situations.
There is a desire to have a consensus of the main tenets of the faith and not have a fractured witness of competing ideas.

I’m sure that you can think of others. Now note that any of these can have their negative as well as positive aspects within the body but in the healthiest form, each contributes to the effectiveness of the church’s witness. More on the demonic aspects of these natural urges next time.

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