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Denominational StaffSpecialized Ministry

Denominational Staff: Showing Apprecition

By May 2, 2014No Comments


A council that cares about those who are exercising ministry on their behalf should take time occasionally to affirm their ministry. A version of the appreciative inquiry could help encourage their ministry in the midst of a very stressful time. A simple way to do this would be to name the large categories of the person’s particular ministry. Then, with that before the council, allow people to spontaneously speak to either personal experiences or incident that they have heard where that person offered ministry and exercised his or her gifts in a way that builds up the Body of Christ.
If a scribe made brief summarizing notes on areas as they were noted, then you could conclude with a litany in which the scribe or perhaps several people one at a time offer thanks for a particular gift of ministry of that staff person. Then alternating between these words of thanks, the rest of the council responds by praying a verse of Psalm 67 after each gift named.
(To increase our awareness of how God is working, I would suggest that you substitute the word “church” where “nation” is mentioned. For Israel the nation was the people of God where God’s presence found expression in the same way that we affirm that it can happen in our church.)
This adaptation of the Psalm could be used either during a council meeting or at a meeting of presbytery. You can also repeat versus of the Psalm in response to additional words of thanks.

Psalm 67 & Litany of Thanks

67:1 May God be gracious to the (Presbytery) and bless the church and make his face to shine upon the (clergy), Selah
(We thank you God for the work of our General Presbyter and his commitment to the mission of the presbytery)
67:2 that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all churches.
(We thank you Lord for our Associate presbyter who has faithfully guided the presbytery in nurturing the health of our churches)
67::3 Let (the presbytery) praise you, O God; let all churches praise you.
(We are grateful for the way the staff has assisted in organizing mission trips for the youth and adults of our presbytery.)
67:4 Let the (presbytery) be glad and sing for joy, for you judge (your people) with equity and guide all churches upon earth. Selah
(We offer thanksgiving for the sensitive work of Douglas on behalf of the care of clergy. We appreciate the way he has organized the COM to be alert to needs among our pastors.)
67:5 Let (the presbytery) praise you, O God; let all the churches praise you.
(We are grateful O Compassionate one for the work of Phylis who has served as our Hunger Action Coordinator stimulating our awareness and guiding our response on behalf of the hungry both here and around the world.)
67:6 The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us.
(We are grateful for the work of the Holy Spirit for calling this staff to guide and nurture us in ministry.)
67:7 May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him.

By articulating your thanks for this staff person’s ministry in a liturgical fashion, you are raising your appreciation of the person’s work to an act of worship and not just a psychological affirmation.


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