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ClergyDenominational Staff

Discerning God’s Spirit in the Presbytery

By November 10, 2011No Comments

This can be done either by members of the presbytery staff or by members of the council of presbytery. It is intended to nurture how we listen to the Spirit of God among the clergy who are members of our presbytery.

Depending on the number of people involved in this experience, identify between five and ten clergy at a time. Send them a letter inviting them to pray and reflect on the work of presbytery and to identify at least one area either of the current work of presbytery or the potential work of presbytery. Where do they feel moved to offer their prayerful support and perhaps involvement in what God is doing in this area. Inform them that after about a week, someone from presbytery will be calling them to listen to what they have sensed the Spirit to be saying about God’s work in this presbytery. At the end of the conversation, ask them to join you in a prayer over the phone on behalf of God’s call in this presbytery.

When that cycle is completed and been reflected on, begin with a new set of clergy until you have moved through all who are active. The experience will probably build on itself because after you have completed one or two cycles, the word will begin to pass and people will be reflecting even before they get the letter of invitation.

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