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Clergy Health

Do You Care About Your Physical Health as a Pastor?

By March 9, 2016No Comments

Let me offer you a check up sheet to measure how you are doing in caring for your own physical health. No one does all these things, but the list allows you to evaluate how you are doing. It will be a lot more fun if you invite a trusted colleague to complete his or her own list and then have a healthy lunch together to both discuss it and to support each other in making a renewed commitment to caring for your health.

Physical Health

Consider some of these suggestions as a way to maintain your physical health:

  1. Do you get a yearly physical checkup with a doctor?
  2. Do you have a regular exercise program that includes both a strength component and a cardio component?
  3. Do you participate in a sport that you that helps you stay in shape?
  4. Evaluate your diet. Do you limit your intake of unhealthy foods?
  5. Is your weight within some healthy margin?
  6. Do you belong to a Y or sports club that encourages you to exercise?
  7. Do you have a home exercise machine? .
  8. Do you participate in Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilate, or some other stretch and relax program?
  9. Do you have a partner(s) that help you stay accountable for your exercising?
  10. Are you part of either a running or walking regimen?
  11. Do you have a mini-exercise routine that you can use when you are traveling or limited in time?
  12. Do you know how to practice meditation or relaxation breathing when you are under stress?
  13. Are you aware of signs of stress in your body that alert you to the need to reduce your level of stress?
  14. Are you familiar with some basic first aid if you should experience injury?
  15. Do you get sufficient sleep to restore your body?
  16. Are you aware of certain relaxation techniques when you have trouble sleeping?
  17. Do you have a good breakfast every day?

Your physical health is important. What would you like to commit to in order to maintain your health?

On the next blog, I will provide a check list that your governing board can use to see if they are supporting clergy health.

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