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By October 4, 2013No Comments


Not all clergy are going to seek out companions in among other clergy for an experience of fun.While I suggested several possibilities of activities in the last blog, many will not feel comfortable in taking the initiative to seek out others with whom to play. That is where a judicatory can play an important role.

The first step is to affirm the value of such fun experiences interrupting the intensity of ministry.By merely announcing that the presbytery is going to engage in helping to connect people with some fun activities, you lend legitimacy to the project. You might even take ten minutes in the agenda of your meeting to brainstorm some possibilities.

The second step is to advertise several possibilities and invite clergy to identify the types of possibilities that would interest them. Not everyone would enjoy going on a hike, but some would. And if you added a trail cleaning project and promised a nice bag lunch, you might encourage others. The same might be true of going to a movie, taking a dance class with their spouses, forming a book club, etc.  Then once they had had an enjoyable experience, you could explore with them the possibility of having a more continual date for fun.


It is clear that the problem of clergy isolation is not specific to any one denomination. Consider the benefits and witness that it would make if some denominational heads considered an ecumenical fun day for clergy. Or, they could each communicate with their respective clergy about several fun possibilities such as were mentioned in previous blogs, with the suggestion that they would help connect clergy with similar interests for a fun experience.

In many cases, it is actually easier for clergy to relate across denominational lines then within their denomination. When this is done within a small geographical location, there would also be the possibility that once the clergy became better acquainted, some ecumenical mission work might be done within the community.  The health of the clergy can be enhanced through such activities and the health of the Christian witness within a community is also strengthened.

As Jesus made clear, we declare to the world that we are Jesus’ disciples when we demonstrate our ability to love each other.

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