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What does it look like in the life of an ordinary church?

Mark and Julia had been having a pretty rough time lately in their marriage. It was showing in the behavior of the children and in the rotten mood that Julia was in as she stopped by the church for a meeting. It was a meeting about church school and for once Julia was glad that it was all women. She did not think that she could stand to be around one more arrogant, self-possessed male at this time. Most of the other people were already present when Julia arrived. Anne, an older woman, saw her come in and immediately went to her. “I don’t know nor do I need to know what is going on, Julia, but you look as if you could use a big hug.” And hug her she did. Then, with a sly smile she said, “being a mother these days isn’t easy. I don’t know how you women do it.” Julia simply smiled and thanked her and took her seat.

They were there to brainstorm topics for an adult Sunday school lesson on loving your neighbor. Another woman, Melissa, started the discussion by admitting that she had a rather difficult time feeling very loving towards needy people because she was always fearful they were going to take advantage of her. “That’s a good topic,” suggested another woman named Carol. “I would add another by confessing that at times I have a difficult time loving some members right here in the church.” “There are times,” Julia said hesitantly, “that I have trouble loving myself.” “Loving,” Anne said, “doesn’t always mean feeling comfortable or good. It means acting faithfully even when the other person doesn’t deserve it. That, after all, is what we count on God doing for us.” “How does God do that?” Julia wondered out loud. “Maybe God thinks we are worth it,” said another. “I wonder if God knows something we don’t know?” laughed a third. The planning went on for another hour filling in the details around a subject that they all realized was meant for them. It was like many other church meetings. Some of the planning was sloppy and the conversation often went far afield. Yet somehow God had spoken to Julia far more deeply than she could explain. “Why,” she wondered, “had she attended that meeting, on that subject, at a time when she was so needy of being reminded that she was loved? Others could chalk it up to coincidence,” she thought, “but she felt a loving hand guiding her and for now that was enough.”

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