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Endangering Talented Executives

By May 10, 2011No Comments

Recently you may have read that the average salary for corporation execs is $9 million.
If you ask, they will explain that really talented executives have no loyalty to their company but only have loyalty to the highest bidder and these huge salaries are necessary to retain their talent.

As a Christian you can see that those corporations are putting these people in great danger.

Can’t you just hear Jesus saying to them:
“My friend, don’t you know that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven.”

I don’t know how much money you have to make each year to be considered rich but I assume several million a year might put you in that category.
These corporations have become so hard hearted that they are willing to risk the eternal welfare of these gifted individuals, just to make use of their talents.

They should show a little compassion and pay them a little less.

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