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ClergyClergy FamiliesEvaluation

Evaluaton of Family Health

By June 20, 2012No Comments

All of us have families in some form or other and an important part of our core healthiness is to pay attention to those central relationships. Taking care of your family health will differ significantly depending on the nature of your family. I will suggest some things for families with children, but also there are couples without children, single people, etc. See the ToolBox for activities for other family configurations.

1. Do you set aside regular time to commune with your spouse or the significant adult in your life? Date nights, shared meals, etc.
2. Do you set aside time to attend functions involving your children?
3. Do you occasionally take time to ask the members of your family how they are experiencing the stress of your ministry?
4. Do you plan regular opportunities to have fun with each other?
5. Do you have a spiritual discipline that you participate in with members of your family?
6. Do you provide permission for them to share their upset when ministry interferes with planned family times?
7. Do you plan individual time with each member of your family from time to time?
8. Do you take regular vacations together?
9. Do you communicate on a regular basis with members of your extended family?
10. Do you recognize and express thanks for those times when there is shared sacrifice because of demands of ministry?
11. Do you ask them to tell you how they see the positive aspects and the challenges of your being a pastor?
12 Do you publicly recognize their special contributions to the congregation from time to time?
13. Do they recognize that, as members of the congregation, they have a right to ask for your attention?
14. Do you occasionally express your thanks to individual members of your family for their contribution to your life and ministry?

The important thing is that each member of your family recognize that they are loved and valued and that they don’t feel they are less important than your work with the congregation. Are there changes that you would like to make to strengthen the health of your family relationships?

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