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Theological Fiction

Eve’s Story (Part 1)

By June 8, 2009No Comments

I’ve been working on some short stories centered on Genesis 1-11. I want to share one with you. Recognizing all the dangers of a man writing something supposedly from a woman’s perspective, I share with you “Eve’s Story.”

It’s not easy being Eve in this world. There are always Adams around reminding you that he has made all he sacrifices so that you can exist. I think God may have made a mistake when males were created. Maybe that’s why God had to try a second time with a new and improved model – the woman.
I mean, look at the male model. Doesn’t it appear that there may have been a short circuit somewhere? Maybe it is near that very spot where God took a rib to make the new improved model. Have you ever noticed the difference between woman and men in the area of sacrifice? I mean women are always making sacrifices for the sake of others. They don’t say anything about it. It’s just what we do.
But men, every time they make even the tiniest o sacrifices, it’s like it triggers their vocal chords. They have to go around announcing it to the whole world, “Heh, look at me, I made a sacrifice. Here, count my ribs – see, I gave one up so she could live.”

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