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Theological Fiction

Eve’s Story (Part 4)

By June 11, 2009No Comments

OK, so I admit it. I was the one who made that first fateful decision. I rebelled or, the way I like to put it, I was the first one to think. Now I’m not trying to put Adam down. He wasn’t such a bad guy. Well, to be truthful, he was the only guy in the beginning so he sort of set the bar for all males to follow. I just wouldn’t describe him as much of a thinker. Mostly he just got up late, wandered around the garden taking care of the plants, brushing down the animals, and tasting all the different fruits. It might surprise you to know that Adam, who had only been created a few months ago, had already developed a pot belly. I’m not sure that all males are guided by their stomachs but Adam was. I think males are just more directed by the moment than females are.
I, a female, on the other hand, was created to think more abstractly and to imagine the future. I mean what else do you do when you are picking up fig leaves Adam dropped on the floor, sweeping out the cave, and trying to prepare food to fill that endless pit that is tied to the vocal chords trained primarily to say, “What’s there to eat?”
I consider myself the first theologian. I was the first person to actually think about God. Some would say that is where I got into trouble, but I believe that God really wants us to think, question, and expand our minds. A theologian isn’t afraid to consider all the questions about God and life from every angle. Adam always jumped every time he saw God’s shadow. I think that showed a lack of faith in God. Since God is God, I can’t see how God is hurt by a few honest questions.

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