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Theological reflections

Eve’s Story (Part 7)

By June 16, 2009No Comments

When Adam came back from his bear game, I told him what I had done. He was still swigging his grape juice and he just looked at me. Finally, Adam, being Adam, said, “Did it taste good?”
I handed it to him and said, “Taste it yourself.” And since it was something to eat, he did. I, on the other hand, spent less time eating and more time thinking.
I now believe that giving it to Adam was really my biggest mistake. I was just trying to expand my knowledge so I could make better decisions. Adam, on the other hand, suddenly realized that he had actually done something that God told him not to do. That may have been the first time he ever thought for himself. He got this weird look on his face. “Jumping kangaroos,” he said, “We’ve got to hide or God is going to find this out and then we will reaaaaaly beeee innnn trouble. Quick get behind this rock. Then he had his second thought for the day. “Heh, you’re naked. Throw some leaves over you before God sees you.”
Well you know how it went from there. When you start hiding from God, God knows something is wrong. And as soon as God asked Adam, Adam blamed me, and I am embarrassed to say that I did implicate the snake. That’s what happens when you don’t take responsibility for yourself, you start blaming everyone else and then the whole world goes to hell.

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