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Excerpt From Hospitality for Alien Strangers

By February 23, 2024No Comments

Excerpt from recently published “Hospitality for Alien Strangers”

As Derek left, he took a short walk through the city park. The city was in a crisis, but he was reminded that his six-foot-three, slightly over-weight frame had it’s own crisis. A little exercise might help reshape that twenty extra pounds.

After he had walked for twenty minutes, he took a shortcut through the woods, planning to emerge on the highway. And that’s when it happened.

As he entered the woods, he felt a light rustle in the leaves. He knew there was a pleasant park up the path where he could sit and think about what his colleagues had said.

As he stepped into the opening of the small, secluded park, a warmth seemed to surround him. Then he looked up and saw a beam of light descending upon him.

In his mind, he wanted to run, but the light seemed to envelop him, and he couldn’t move. He sensed words entering his mind. It was not like someone was speaking to him, but a message seemed to be forming in his mind.

“We are from a faraway planet in the universe. We have come on a mission to find habitable planets. We want to populate viable planets with healthy life forms who must leave their failing planets.”

Derek didn’t know why, but he felt like he was in an important conversation with the visitors hovering above the city. He tried to form a proper response. “This planet already has all the lifeforms it can sustain.”

“That will be a decision of the Universe Council and not you. Your task is to carry the message to the inhabitants.”

“That you are going to replace us and colonize our planet? I don’t think so.”

“We are not asking permission. We are offering one alternative. We will observe you for five earth-years to observe the qualities of the earth’s population.”

“FIVE YEARS!!!!! What qualities are you looking for?”

It’s not what we want to see but what you offer. We will observe how you live your lives and report that to the Council of the Universe, who will make the decision.”

“Why me? I’m just a moderate preacher in one of several religions. There are lots of leaders on this planet who know far more than I do.”

“People in other places are having the same conversation.”

“That’s good to know. Can we consult with each other on how best to do what you want?”

“Maybe sometime later. Not now. Now is the time to decide how to communicate your natural worth. The council will review the report we send and determine what will happen.”

“What if we don’t prove worthy? What happens then?”

“The Council of the Universe wants the universe’s worthiest inhabitants to have the highest quality of planets upon which to live. If you prove less worthy, you will be replaced by those who prove more worthy.”

“What happens to us?”

We will seek another planet of lesser worth and repopulate you there.”

“So why don’t you show yourself so people can see you?”

“You are not ready yet. That will happen in time if, what you call people, prove worthy.”

Derek stood there, stunned, and wondering if he had had a lighthearted moment or even a mini-stroke that people talk about.

Slowly he felt his body come back under his control. He looked around, but no one was there, and certainly not the light.

He recalled the recent conversation with his colleagues about how God calls us. He looked up into the sky and spoke aloud, although he knew no one could hear him. “Is this my burning bush, Lord? Couldn’t you have chosen someone who had a little more power and influence?”

Silence was the only response. He left the park and headed through the woods toward the highway. What was he going to do now?


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