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Church in an Evolving World

Exegeting a Blessing

By December 19, 2008No Comments

The role of money in the life of Highland Presbyterian Church begins with an almost unbelievable gift from the generous decisions of First Presbyterian Church. In 1946 the people of First Presbyterian Church decided to buy a triangle of land between Magnolia, Cloverdale and Oakwood. Later, in 1949 they would not only deed that land to the new church but accompany it with a gift of $161,000 to aid us in building our first building. What did God mean by blessing the seeds of this new church with such a generous gift?

From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded. There is a weight of responsibility placed upon a church which is so blessed. Immediately, they began the process of building a building that would provide focus for their witness to the world. Within two months of their formation as a church, they had building pledges of $90,583.01. The generosity of the Body of Christ, as it is reflected in First Presbyterian Church, engendered a corresponding commitment in the new members of the church which would soon be called Highland. By November 1950, they were in their new building. By June 3,1956, they were in a new sanctuary and by 1959 they had determined to build an Activity Building on the other side of Cloverdale Avenue.

Too often a church forgets its history. A church like Highland is built on the faithfulness of Christians that went before them. We build on the generosity of our ancestors of the faith.

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