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Church in an Evolving World

Exegeting a Congregation

By October 13, 2008No Comments

To exegete Scripture is to study a passage of Scripture with the intention of understanding and interpreting it. From a position of faith, it is to listen to God addressing us through the Scriptures.

If we believe that Jesus is the Word of God incarnate, then we look to Jesus to hear the word of God.If we accept that the church is the Body of Christ and in some way embodies the Word of God, then we also need to learn to exegete a congregation. What follows is my attempt to exegete a congregation.

The congregation is Highland Presbyterian Church in Winston-Salem, NC. The congregation has about 700 members and celebrated its fiftieth anniversary in November of 1999. It is not particularly liberal or conservative though at times it shows glimpses of both. It draws members from all over the city and has a broad range of ages in its membership. It has known times of tragedy and moments of great joy. I was its fourth full time pastor. In many ways it is not atypical of many mainline congregations.

As you listen to my reflections, recall your own experiences in a congregation. Consider how to listen for the word of God in their lives as well.

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