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Church in an Evolving World

Exegeting Worship Part 2

By October 30, 2008No Comments

Throughout Scripture, it was not merely the act of worship but the attitude with which people entered into worship which was important. Whether it is the commandment to bring a lamb without blemish or to worship in sincerity and truth, we are invited to bring our best to God in worship. The quality of worship has been a continuing concern of the people of Highland. Though all of us sometimes forget ourselves in worship, there is mention as far back as 1954 of the problem of noise and talking disturbing the opening of worship.

The quality of music that was offered to God was a concern of the organist/choir director, Larry Wise, when he offered the money that would have been allocated to his salary to pay for hiring soloists for the choir. This expense was later picked up first by the Deacons and then by the Mixed Adult Class. In November of 1983, it was decided to hire a full-time director of music as part of the staff. It was clear before that that the excellence of music in worship had been the result of an incredible collection of dedicated volunteers who generously gave of their time.

Again, there was a blend of openness and concern for quality.

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