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Church in an Evolving World

Exegeting Worship Part 3

By October 31, 2008No Comments

Whether it was a mistaken understanding or not, there was concern when the Chrismon symbols were first introduced in 1971 as to whether the symbols were pagan or sufficiently spiritual. The change introduced provided an educational opportunity.

In June of 1974 there was discussion of urging preludes which encouraged meditation prior to worship. In 1990 when it was decided to purchase 425 new hymnals for worship, over 400 of them were purchased through the donations of members in honor of friends and families of the congregation. From the decoration of the sanctuary to the purchase of handbells, the care of the organ and the care with which the liturgy is developed, it is clear that the quality of worship is an important element in the life of Highland.

Each change met with both support and resistance. That did not mean that one group was more faithful than the other. It did mean that the value with which we hold worship can result in different conclusions. It is neither wrong to want to hold on to traditions nor wrong to want to change to meet changing conditions. Neither prevents the true worship of God and either can, if approached with the wrong attitude, prevent true worship.

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