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Exercises to relieve stress

By October 24, 2012No Comments

While I was at the Compassion fatigue conference put on by PPCN, I picked up a little brochure put out by The Fraser Center, In it was six anti-stress stretches which I pass on to you.

1. FINGER FAN: Extend your arms straight in front of you with palms up. Spread your fingers as far apart as possible. Hold for 5 seconds.
2. UPPER BACK STRETCH: Sit up straight with your fingers interlaced behind your head. Keeping your shoulders down, lift your chest and bring your elbows back as far as you can. Hold for 10 seconds.
3. EAR TO SHOULDER: Lower your right ear to your right shoulder. hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
4. OVERHEAD REACH: Raise your arms over head and interlace your fingers with palms facing up. Keeping your shoulders down, stretch upwards,. Hold for 20 seconds.
5. KNEE PULL: While seated bring one knee up toward your chest as high as possible. Hold with both hands for 10 seconds. Repeat for other knee.
6. WAIST BEND: Reach arms over head with fingers laced together. Facing forward with shoulders down, bend to one side from waist. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat to other side.

Doesn’t sound too difficult, does it? I just went through these exercises and it was easy. Now the trick is to remember to do them, way once an hour when you are working at a computer, after a counseling session, following a difficult meeting, etc.
It doesn’t make the challenges of life easier but it does help you prevent stress from robbing you of vital energy.

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