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Exploring the Scrawled Notes

By May 25, 2010No Comments

Yesterday we talked about utilizing those slivers of time that frequently happen during your day to compose some scrawled notes. After you have done that for a time, you will find some good material for re-framing your future. It’s amazing how those quick, almost spontaneous, moments of reflection can open you up to your inner-self. The challenge is to write those notes in an uncensored form. Whatever you are thinking and feeling are valuable to record.

Now, when you have a small block of time, begin to reread some of what you have written, looking for some discernible patterns. What are the common threads to the circumstances or thoughts that lead to your feeling either negative or positive. The negative feelings are equally as valuable as the positive ones. While this could be valuable as a psychological probe, I’m interested for the moment in utilizing this material for a spiritual probe.

Regardless of whether you are feeling full of doubt or belief at the moment, engage in an “If there were” exercise. If there were a God and that God was trying to speak to me personally through my experiences, what might God be trying to say? Let me emphasize what spiritual teachers have noted in the past, that periods of disbelief or overwhelming doubt can well be the fertile ground for positive growth in faith. The challenge is not to banish disbelief but allow it to be an integrated part of our spiritual journey. So you are “playing with the What If possibilities” in any part of what you have written.

Also, don’t be too serious about this reflection at the moment. Have some fun playing with the possibilities. Examine some bizarre or zany things that God could be saying to you as well as some serious, challenging ones. But as you do so, keep alert for signals that might prove to be valuable for the future. Don’t look for conclusions. Just keep record of some of your thoughts.

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