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ClergyClergy Families

Extending Family Thanksgiving

By July 16, 2010One Comment

Clergy families can offer special support and thanksgiving to other clergy families. Have some discussion within your family about another clergy family of which you are familiar. You might list some of the good things you think that pastor is doing and some of the stresses that s/he is under.

Then as a family, compose a letter to the family of the pastor. Celebrate with them some of the good things that are happening in his or her ministry. Share with them your awareness of some of the pressures that good ministry places on the pastor’s family. If appropriate, even name some of the particular pressures of which you are aware. Acknowledge some pressures that only another pastor’s family can understand.

Conclude the letter by offering thanks for the whole family and their support of the ministry. Also thank them for sharing with your family in the continuing challenge of bearing good news to the community.

Don’t ask for anything in return. Simply let it be an expression of thanks from your family to theirs. Be prepared for a shocked response from them because how often does one clergy family ever express thanks to another. It is, however, a good idea and both families may feel blessed by the experience.

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