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Clergy Families

Falmilies (10)

By July 18, 2012No Comments

God’s Call for Family Fun

We often speak of God’s call as a reference to an individual. Would their be value in discussing what God’s call is for a whole family? Might God want a family to have some fun together?

Let’s consider how God might call a family to have a fun experience. Make it a family round discussion. Spin a bottle in the midst of the family and whoever it points to begins with a sentence like, “If God wanted this family to have a really fun experience, it would happen at what time of the year.”

The next person, identified through spinning the bottle, would continue, “At that time of year previously identified, the family would pack these clothes. ”

Then the next person would say, “When at that time of year we packed these clothes, we would then travel in what form of transportation.”

The next person would say, “When we traveled in that form of transportation, we would arrive at…” Each time the next person adds an element to the experience but does not conclude the whole description of the experience, leaving it open to be developed by the next person.

This could be followed by another, ” If this family was to have the experience that Abram had to leave all that is familiar behind and go on a life changing journey (See Genesis 12), this might be the way that it would develop. Again use unfinished sentences for the family to participate in developing their understanding of God’s call for their family.
Allow this to be a free flowing, fun experience but be aware that you are also surfacing significant family values in the process.

Have fun. You may be surprised at what you will discover. God’s call can be revealed in unique ways

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