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Clergy Families

Family Appreciation

By January 27, 2011No Comments

Too often we don’t take the time to share our appreciation of each other in the family. We all need to be reminded of our value in the family. Consider proposing this as a family exercise.

Round one:Place a member of the family in the center of a family circle. Each person shares one thing that they like about that person. The person being talked about cannot say a thing but only listen to others talk about him or her. Then the next person enters the center of the circle and the sharing continues. Only after all members have had their time in the circle can people respond to what has been said.

Round 2: The family agrees that over the next week (or two) they will watch each other and note one quality they like about that person and one nice thing they saw that person do for someone else. At the end of the agreed upon time, they will come together and report on what they have noticed about each member of the family.

Round 3: The family meets to discuss and agree upon one act or gift that they could take as a family that would express an important value of the family. Of course part of that discussion would involve identifying the value that they want expressed. It would be good if the action or gift could be one that the family could do together.

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