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Clergy Families

Family Obesity

By May 17, 2011No Comments

Clergy families have not escaped the challenge of obesity that is plaguing our nation. Some denominational studies suggest that pastors may be even more challenged by the problem of obesity than the average population. If this is a problem in your family, you may want to address it as a total family and draw upon the spiritual resources that are available to you. I will suggest a procedure that assumes that the children are old enough to write. Adjustments will need to be made for younger children.

Begin with a family discussion around 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.” Let everyone express their opinion about what they hear in that passage that speaks to the problem of obesity in their family.

When that is done, let each person write down 2-3 things s/he personally does that contributes to their weight problem and one or two things that they might do that would begin to address that problem. When all have shared, recognize that the problem is not easy to change and let each person name one first step that s/he might take and also identify what type of support s/he would need from the other members of the family if s/he were to be successful.

After each person has shared, then have a discussion about covenanting together to support each other. It is important to begin with small steps and build in ways to check in with each other on a regular basis. Also discuss how to respond as a family when any member fails to complete their objective so that the person can begin again. The effort should not be built on guilt but rather on support and affirmation.

Complete the covenanting with a family prayer.

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