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ClergyPsalm prayers

Finding Yourself in the Psalms

By April 12, 2011No Comments

Let us begin with that most familiar of all psalms, Psalm 23. As I mentioned yesterday, I encourage you to find a place where you will be undisturbed so that you can pray this prayer aloud and with feeling. Even though you could think of the pronouns as referring to you, I encourage you at least at first to insert your own personal name where the pronouns are so that you can hear your name being spoken as part of this prayer. As a sample, I will place my name in at the beginning and then will leave space as you continue to pray the psalm.

The Lord is Steve’s shepherd, Steve shall not want.
He makes Steve lie down in green pastures; he leads ____ beside still waters;
he restores ____ soul.
He leads ____in right paths for his name sake.

Even though ___ walks through the darkest valley,
___will fear no evil;
for you are with ____
our rod and your staff — they comfort ____

You prepare a table before ___
in the presence of ____ enemies;
you anoint ___ head with oil;
____cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow ___ all the days of ____life,
and ___ shall dwell in the house of the Lord ___ whole life long.

As you pray that psalm with your name inserted, allow your imagination to fill in the blanks. picture those who are your enemies. Consider what it means for God to lead you beside still waters, etc.

It might be good to pray it more than once so that the feelings and your passion can infuse your prayer.

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