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ClergyLiturgySpiritual Health

First Wednesday After First Sunday in Lent

By February 25, 2015No Comments

We continue our pastoral lenten journey. Find a half-hour sometime today for your own personal experience.

Wednesday After 1st Sunday in Lent

This time as you enter the sanctuary, take a seat directly in front of the lectern. You and the people you serve are taught by the words of the Bible that are read from that lectern. Take some time to just stare at the Bible on the lectern and think of the many times you have read from that book. The Psalm for the previous Sunday is Psalm 25:1-10.

Psalm 25:1-3

Read it slowly watching for the words and phrases that leap out at you. Especially in the first 3 verses, take time to bring to mind the various people and forces that have opposed you during your ministry, particularly those in your present situation.

Psalm 25:4-5

Then turn to verses 4-5 and focus on how you might be guided in God’s path as you weave your way through the challenges of your ministry. What is God’s truth that you need to listen to as you honor your call?

Psalm 25:6-10

As you read verses 6-10, reflect on the ways God has shown you mercy and demonstrated steadfast love and faithfulness in the past. Allow yourself to recall the many incidents where you have experienced the hand of God at precisely the point when you most needed it.

Let it be your prayer

You may want to pray the psalm a couple of times, remembering both the difficult experiences of your ministry and the great rewards.

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