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Focus on Self

By March 3, 2009No Comments

Sometimes I think we take ourselves so seriously that we forget that some types of self-indulgement can be an appropriate way of loving the self that God loves.

Here is an experiment that I am going to try with the staff of a church. I’m going to ask them to describe what they would do if they were given $10 that could only be spent to pamper or indulge themselves. It isn’t a lot of money but there are things that could be done. They could go to a movie and maybe even buy a small popcorn. They could go buy a large hot-fudge sundae or a couple of paper back books. Perhaps they could buy one paper back and go sit in a Starbucks for an hour and just read.

The only restriction is that it has to be something purely for the self. It can’t be given away or shared with someone else. I know ministers or educators are inclined towards wanting to include someone else but this time I want them to just focus on the self.

Then I am going to give them the $10 and ask them to go do it. A week later I want them to come back together and share the experience. What do you think they will have experienced? I can’t wait to find out.

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