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Clergy HealthInterim pastors

From Awareness to Strategy

By October 25, 2013No Comments


In our previous blog, we identified how the interim pastor is in a unique position to raise awareness of the health challenges of ministry. We pointed out that the health issues faced by clergy extend beyond just one’s physical health. I look at a pastor’s health from six different perspectives–physical, emotional, family, financial, spiritual, and vocational. The ToolBox at has suggestions on strategies on all six area, not only for the clergy, but also for the congregation and judicatory.



The interim could make a significant contribution to both the health of the congregation and the incoming pastor by advising the session of this resource. By downloading the ToolBox and then separating it into the six categories, the interim could ask the committee to form six task forces, each of whom would take one health dimension, and look in the ToolBox for ideas that they think might be appropriate for their particular congregation. Ask each subcommittee to read the resource and identify two or three actions that the congregation can take that can contribute to a healthy ministry.


Then, when a new pastor is identified, they can also have discussions with the new pastor about ways that they can be supportive of his or her health in each of these six areas. Imagine the positive impression a congregation can make by being proactive in asking the pastor to be a good steward of the pastor’s health.

One strategy might be to say to the new pastor, over the next six months we want you to examine one of these areas each month and discuss with us how both the pastor and the congregation can address this issue. As part of the resource for the pastor, they can provide him or her with the ideas from the ToolBox for reflection.


An additional contribution that the interim can make is to spend the last several Sundays in the pulpit addressing various issues of the stewardship of health. While this blog focused on the health of the pastor, the issues raised are important for the health of the entire Christian community, and particularly its leadership. By using several sermons to address the topic, the interim can provide the theological framework by which the whole church can be conscious of the importance of maintaining good health.

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