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God Doesn’t Call Wrong Numbers

By May 1, 2020No Comments

Excited to announce that TOMORROW the latest in my Healthy Clergy Make Healthy Congregations will be released on Amazon.

Kindle: $3.99

Print:    $10.50

HOW DO WE HEAR GOD’S CALL? What if it was the wrong number?

Clergy Vocational Health helps the reader explore

  1. What do we mean by God’s call?
  2. How do we discern God’s call?
  3. How do we stay in touch with God’s call?
  4. How do we nurture our relationship with God?
  5. How does God call us in special forms of ministry?
  6. Does God’s call include a call in retirement?
  7. Does God call churches?
  8. What is God’s call in an age of anxiety?
  9. And many other aspects of God’s call in our lives

Maybe this is a good time to reflect on God’s call in your life–Listen to the Divine Whisper.

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