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God Laughs; Why Don’t You?

By June 16, 2014No Comments

By September I plan to have available on Amazon three small books in a series Healthy Clergy Make Healthy Congregations. One of them will be on the use of humor to help clergy maintain their sanity in an increasingly crazy world. This is an excerpt from that book.

Five types of Humor for the Care of our Soul


Let me suggest several ways in which humor can be part of our souls journey.

First, we can help ourselves by occasionally looking for humor in some predicament within which we find ourselves.

For example, I might think to myself in frustration “If I have to conduct one more wedding for a non-church couple who wants to make their wedding meaningful by writing their own vows and have music from Broadway as part of the ceremony, I think I might get a divorce myself.”

Remember, humor is not meant to be serious and makes use of exaggeration for effect. Sometimes the very act of putting words to your frustrations, fears, and fantasies can soften their impact on your life. If you can also get an internal chuckle, it will benefit you.

Second, sometimes it’s important to find humor in other people’s behavior.
Someone once said that when people are trying to intimidate you, it helps to try to picture them naked or like a little child. A little internal sarcasm can also help.

I’ve decided that there are three types of wealthy members in my congregation.
There are wealthy members who genuinely feel blessed and want to support the church and do good with their resources.

Second, there are wealthy members who are convinced that their wealth gives them special privileges as members.

And then there are wealthy members who have concluded that you are an idiot they hope you have at least enough brains left to recognize what geniuses they are.
It provides new evidence for the doctrine of the total depravity of humanity.

Third, Laughing at Yourself is a valuable practice. It can help put your life in perspective.

I am called by God.
I am hired by a congregation.
I am messed up by pride.
I am saved by Grace.
I guess God really is smarter than me.

I will suggest variations of this same joke later in the book to illustrate how you can adapt the same piece of humor to fit new circumstances.

Fourth, there are times it helps to consider that what is happening may reflect God’s sense of humor.

God, if you wanted to teach me humility, couldn’t you have found an easier way than calling me to this congregation?
I accept the doctrine that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but did you have to gather so much evidence in my congregation?

Fifth, there are times when we need to find some humor in the workings of the universe.

I understand that rain falls on the just and the unjust, but did it have to happen on the day of the church picnic?

I know the Bible says that the meek shall inherit the earth. Why didn’t someone explain to me that that only takes place after the arrogant and the rich have died off?

Humor can help you step back, breathe, and recognize that since we are not the savior, maybe we can learn that even though we are not always in control we can still enjoy life.



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