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By February 18, 2015One Comment


When we consider the future of the church from God’s perspective, we are considering the subject from the perspective of vocation. Given the conditions of the church, the nature of humanity in general, and the active presence of the Spirit in the world, what is the nature of God’s call for the church and those within it. Since God calls a people as well as individuals, let us begin by thinking of the church as a corporate body.




From a biblical perspective, God’s call in the formation of Israel or the church was never based on the capacity of a group of humans to achieve perfection. From the beginning those involved demonstrated both ethical lapses and theological misunderstanding. As Paul states in 2 Corinthians 4:7 ff “But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be made clear that this extraordinary power belongs to god and does not come from us.” This same Paul continued to strive for both ethical and theological maturity and was not adverse to strategies by which the church grew, but the key was that this was God’s doing, not a clever human plan.




So begin with your church. What does it mean that your church, with all its strengths and weaknesses, is called by God? Whether it is wildly successful in attracting new members or barely surviving with a declining membership, what is God’s call for them? Whether it is boldly courageous in standing for justice and mercy or timidly anxious that it might offend people, if God is starting where they are, what is God’s call at this moment in their lives?

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the congregation you serve, its leadership, your skills, etc., if you were to make ten statements about what the future of your church could look like if they grow  in their capacity to be faithful to God’s calling, what would they be? Be realistic but also faithful to the belief that God is capable of doing what appears at least improbable  if not impossible. What is God’s calling for your church?




Some statements I might make for my former congregation would be:

  1. They can grow in spiritual depth so that in all circumstances they will listen for God.
  2. An increased commitment to shared communal lives across ethnic, racial, denominational, economic, and other lines of societal division.
  3. A Heightened awareness of how Scripture can provide thenm a perspective on the lives they live individually and as a community.
  4. An openness to learn from each other as they mature in the faith.
  5. Operating out of a perspective of grateful abundance rather than fearful scarcity.
  6. Trusting that in everything God works for good with those who love God and are called according to God’s purpose.
  7. Refusal to permit hot-button issues to absorb their energy that could be applied to faithful practice.
  8. A courage to be counter-cultural when it seems to be faithful in their witness.



I guarantee you that once you have made your list, that list will be a great foundation for a series of sermons that can touch your congregation. In the face of an anxious society, strong vision can give courage to face the future.


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