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ClergyCongregationsTheological reflections


By March 3, 2017No Comments


I think one of the challenges of being a pastor is that you are called to stand in the breech between the spiritual and the secular sides of life. On the one hand, you are called by God to convey the spiritual truths to God’s people. On the other hand, you are to pray, yes even beg God to be merciful and forgiving to the people. In one of my comedy routines, I said that the real challenge of ministry is that you are called by God but you are hired by a congregation. People do want to hear God’s word address the messy world in which they live. They also admonish you to be practical. If you tell them to “Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you,” they can get very nervous.


My suggestion for pastors is to begin where you are and admit that you feel caught in the middle. You don’t pretend to be perfect in the knowledge of God’s will but you do know that together as a church we need to grow into that will. What you are doing is inviting them to join you in growing in discipleship.

I’m going to suggest a simple game like exercise as one way to advance the conversation. Invite people to a church gathering, perhaps a church dinner so that they are gathered around tables. Ask each table to identify five issues that are causing division in our society. Have them describe the issues in a form that doesn’t indicate right or wrong but simply that the issue has  powerful divisive force in the society.  Gather the different lists and see if you can reach a consensus on at least ten of them.


Next, at each table ask them to identify at least five teachings of the Gospel that if taken seriously would speak to some of the divisive forces. Suggest that at this point in the discussion they are not to debate whether it is practical or not. For example, if you were addressing the divisive issue of poverty and wealth, “to give to anyone who would begs from you,”may not seem practical but it certainly addresses the issue.

Hear the report from the tables and keep a cumulative list. At this point weariness may be setting in, so suggest that each person take the list home and reflect on it.


This can become the foundation for a continuing church school class and the stimulus for future sermons. Encourage people to also share their thoughts and responses to what is said in church classes and sermons. What you are doing is exploring the complex journey of discipleship in the real world in which people live.

Remind them that the very act of engaging in such a discussion is a witness to the larger society of the relevance of the Gospel. I’ll continue to explore aspects of this in future blogs and invite your responses to advance the conversation.


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