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Have You Looked in the Wine Cup Lately?

By April 7, 2010No Comments

The diversity of theological positions in any given church or denomination presents a challenge in building a sense of community. We know that Jesus said one of our most effective witnesses to the world is to demonstrate how we love each other in a manner reflective of how Jesus has loved us. I want to suggest that laughter and humor can be an effective antidote to some of the relational poison that has been affecting us.

Can’t you just see Jesus poking someone in the ribs and saying, “Heh, Mr. Priest, you do that straining bit very well. I doubt that a gnat could ever make it through your procedure. But if you are not careful, you are going to end up swallowing that camel that has just slipped into your cup.” Jesus’ jocular comment was surely meant to puncture the pretentiousness of this activity in the temple.

I am suggesting that we take Jesus seriously enough to join with him in some laughter that can deflate our own pretentiousness. We know that we can take ourselves too seriously. I want to suggest some ways that we might make use of God’s gift of humor to strengthen the bonds of our common faith. This week I will suggest some possibilities for our denominations and churches to mine the possibility of humor in nurturing the health of our communities.

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