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By February 23, 2011No Comments

During this first quarter, the COM should also have some communication with the pastor of the participating congregation about caring for his or her physical health. Since all of this can be prepared ahead of time, this need not be an overwhelming burden on the COM. Your communication to the pastor can reference the correspondence with the session so that all participants know that they are in this together. Your first communication with the pastor might be along the following lines.

Your session has chosen to participate in HCMHC and to begin by focusing on the physical health of the church’s leadership. By virtue of our call, we are not our own. We have been set aside by God for a special purpose. As part of our responding to that call, we need to pay attention to our physical well being. Yet, like all human beings, we are also subject to the stresses of our culture. Therefore, we need to be intentional about caring for our physical selves.

As a beginning, you need to give yourself permission to take time for physical exercise. The time required to do this can be see as part of being obedient to our call. If taking time for physical exercise is not already a habit, you need to build in support for altering your already filled schedule.

First, take a piece of paper and make a quick list of the variety of ways that you can engage in physical exercise. As individuals there are such things as walking, running, swimming, weight lifting, etc. Once you have your list, look at it and see what is most attractive to you. What is a modest way that you can begin with one form of exercise?

Second, look at some of the ways people get exercise in connection with other people. Some play sports, attend exercise classes, find a partner to walk with, run with, etc. Who do you know who might enjoy partnering with you to begin a better exercise program? Having someone else who expects you to participate helps build support for changing your habits. Some people have found the benefit of an early morning or evening walking program.

A next, rather scary step would be to explore the spiritual dimensions of taking care of your physical body, preaching or teaching a course on it, and sharing with your congregation your desire to improve your body and inviting them to do the same. There is nothing like public commitment to strengthen your resolve.

Congratulation on partnering with your session on this journey of health.

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