The very nature of ministry engages one in the emotional roller coaster of engaging the highs and lows of a variety of people. All good pastors have the chords of their deep feelings plucked on a daily basis. Because a pastor is empathetic to others, they drink in both their pains and their joys. The nerve endings of our bodies are continually touched by the feelings of others and these, in turn, trigger our own emotional responses. Nerves restore themselves at a slower pace than the physical body.
While some emotional stressors are the result of negative behavior by either individual members or the congregation as a whole, much of the emotional cost of being a pastor is simply the fact of being a pastor. It is important for those concerned with the emotional health of a pastor to be aware of both those things that can be changed and those areas that will always be a part of being in the ministry. The challenge for a church is how best to support the pastor in coping with all of these emotional pressures.