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How Can You Say God Called You?

By May 23, 2014One Comment


It is awful to be called by God in the original sense of the word.  Consider the incredible claim behind saying that God has called me to the ministry. You and I are saying that the infinite power behind all reality has not only noticed us but identified us for a special purpose. To believe that is to be filled with awe at the wonder of it all.

By what criteria did God choose you? What does God expect of you in response to your call? What if you fail? It is awful to even think about it.


Have you ever tried to explain to someone what that means? Have you even tried to articulate what it means to you? I have said to people that I felt a call by God to ministry but I’ve never tried to convince a non-believer that the infinite power behind the whole universe selected me to respond in this way. When I think about trying to do that, it sounds a little crazy even to me.


Try to imagine what the first person to hear God’s call sounded like when he tried to explain it. I’m thinking about Abram. We are never given any criteria by which God chose Abram rather than any of the other possibilities in the human family. We only know that for some reason the invisible voice behind the universe reached out and touched Abram. Because he chose to respond, the whole world was changed. Three major religions emerged from that one decision. But he had to first convince his wife and explain it to his neighbors. I have resorted to comedy to try to probe what that must have been like.


“Heh, Abram, my love. You have come home early from tending to the sheep. Are you coming down with something?”

“It’s a little hard to explain, Sarai, my sweet one. You see, I thought I was out on the mountain side all alone, except for the sheep of course. Then I heard this voice.”

“You heard a voice? Was it a robber or some greedy shepherd wanting to steal a lamb?

“No, there weren’t any other humans around, Sarai. The voice seemed to come out of the air.”

“Come, sit down, my love. The sun must have been very hot today. I’ll fix you a cool drink. Once you have had some time to rest, you’ll feel better.”

“Sarai, my sweet, the voice asked me, asked us really, to leave all we have created here and go on a journey.”

“A journey…a journey to where?”

“I’m not sure, SaraI. The voice said it would tell us when we got there.”

“Abe, honey, have you been smoking that peyote again. I told you you should leave that weed alone. It makes you think all sorts of crazy ideas.”

“The voice said that if we would go, Sarai, that we would be the parents of a great nation that all the world would benefit from.”

“Abe, if you want to fool around a little, just say so. However, I hate to tell you this but your bundle of love doesn’t have any dough left to make more bread.”

OK, maybe it didn’t happen quite like that but can you provide a better explanation for either Abram’s call or yours?

One Comment

  • Debbie Cesta says:

    Hi Steve – I have felt called by God to Habitat. But then, as I look back on the other choices to accept change I’ve made in the past, I can clearly see now that He was guiding me. Thank you for your writings. It’s nice to receive a note from you in my inbox each day!

    I’m about to walk over to HPC to the service for Joan Dutcher. Nice to think about her and David being rejoined!

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