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By July 19, 2019No Comments

Hosea 1:2-10

Go, take for yourself a wife of whoredom and have children

of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom

by forsaking the Lord. — Hosea 1:2b

Has anybody ever listened to this story from Gomer’s perspective?

Here I am the wife of this prophet. It is not easy being a

prophet’s wife. A prophet feels driven by an inner compulsion.

Prophets lives are not their own and all those around them are all

part of their message.


A prophet’s wife never feels like a whole

person. You are like a piece of a puzzle that only your husband

sees in his mind’s eye. He calls one of our children Jezreel after

some defeat he saw coming for Israel. Another he calls “Not pitied”

and a third “Not my people” because he sees God withdrawing

pity and separating himself from Israel. It is not fair for children

to represent their father’s vision or to carry out their father’s



And what about me? I also begin to feel like I am just an appendage

to my husband and not a real person in my own right. I

made a mistake. I’ll admit it. I had an affair. I know I should not

have had an affair, but I was so lonely. For a moment I thought

someone else could make me feel important. It was wrong, but

maybe I understand how people stray from God now. Sometimes

you get lonely and frightened. God seems so distant and unpredictable

and something comes along that feels more real. You reach

out and, only too late, do you realize that it is an illusion. I did,



I know that Hosea’s God is a demanding God, and I thought

there might be an easier way in the arms of a lover. I have to admit

that when I realized what a fool I was, Hosea was still there ready

to take me back. Like his God, Hosea still loves me and welcomes

me home like a prodigal daughter.

But then comes another problem.


How do I accept forgiveness? Hosea sees himself acting like

God acts toward Israel. But every day I look at his face, and it

reminds me of my guilt. Here he is, Mr. Righteous, looking with

pity on this adulteress. I think unless you have been there, you

cannot understand what it means to accept forgiveness. If God wants

to save his people, God will have to come and live among us.


WATER FROM THE ROCK: Lectionary Devotional for Cycle C

by Stephen McCutchan

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