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Church in an Evolving WorldTheological Fiction

Howard and Lisa (Part 1)

By June 26, 2008No Comments

Howard and Lisa were really shaken. First, they had been told by their son four months ago that he was gay. They had not expected such news but because they loved him so deeply, they spent a great deal of time and effort trying to understand and stay in close contact with him.

First, they had to disabuse themselves of all the myths that they had about homosexuality being an illness or something that was created by bad parenting. Once they put that behind them, they had long conversations with their son and read several books that he recommended to them. It had opened up a whole new world of understanding for them and a deep compassion for the suffering caused by bigotry and fears in society.

Still, they had not risked telling their church. Then one night as they were having devotions together they were reading the first chapter of Romans which has been used so often to condemn homosexuality. “It’s verses like that which make me fearful of being honest at church about Ferris,” said Lisa. “I’m just not a good enough Biblical scholar to answer if people start hurling Scriptures at me and it would hurt terribly if they said terrible things about our son.” Howard was about to agree when his eye fell on the first verse of the second chapter. “Listen to this,” he said. “Therefore you have no excuse, whoever you are, when you judge others; for in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, are doing the very same things.” (Romans 2:1) “Maybe Jesus is speaking to us in this passage, Lisa. What does it say to you?” Lisa thought for awhile and then said, “I think rather than judging our church we should go to them and share our concern.”

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