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Hypocritical Oath of Pastors

Hypocritical Oath for Pastors

By March 25, 2013No Comments

Does Life Have Meaning

Part 7

“God is like that lifeless statue of Jesus I shot a few minutes ago,” said Ethan. “He or It is irrelevant to what happens here.”

“If you’re right, then you might as well jump. It doesn’t make any difference anyhow. But Jacob challenged God. He grabbed a hold of God and refused to let go until God would bless him or make sense out of life.”

While before Ethan was scanning the crowd as he listened, now he focused on  Mark. “I don’t get it.”

Damn, I think he’s actually listening. Mark edged a little closer. “Jacob, the schemer, was renamed Israel, the one who wrestle with God until the universe makes sense. Israel, his descendents, refused to accept that what you see is all that there is. We inherit that faith, Ethan. We insist on believing that this universe is going somewhere and our lives have more meaning than just an accident.”

“But you can’t prove that. I don’t even think you believe that.”

“Not all the time. No one does. Life gets overwhelming at times. All good pastors are hypocrites. When life gets rough and the questions are without answers, they playact as if it is true until people can believe again. That’s what it means to be a hypocrite – to playact at the truth.”

“Nice try, Mark, but I can’t hold on to God any longer. It just doesn’t make sense.”

The screech of a police bullhorn interrupted their conversation. “OK, buddy, this has gone on long enough. It’s time for you to come down from there.”

“OK, copper. You’re going to get your wish. We’re going to finish this. Did you ever see suicide by cop, Mark? You’re about to.”

Ethan turned toward the crowd and raised his rifle to firing position. “Die, Jesus!” he shouted and fired at the statue of Jesus in the quadrangle.

Mark saw the red spot from the swat-team rifle begin to center in on Ethan. “No,” he shouted, as he moved toward Ethan. He hoped the swat team would hold their fire and he could push Ethan back onto the rooftop.

As he lunged toward Ethan, his foot slipped. His momentum carried him forward, pushing at Ethan but spinning his body into the air. He knew he was falling but he wasn’t prepared for the sensation of a hot fire entering his upper body. He heard the crowd screaming.

Nice exit, he thought. I wonder if this faith is true or not. Guess it’s up to you now, God. Might be a good time for you to intervene.

(The final part of he story will be shared on the Monday after Easter, April 1)

This is Holy Week. We remember Jesus journey to the cross, choosing to offer himself for others. Name a sacrifice that someone has made for you and offer thanks.



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