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Intentional Escapism is Not All Bad

By May 31, 2010No Comments

I think we have about 11 Monday holidays on this country’s calendar. Since I normally took Mondays as my day off, my wife, with some amusement and some irritation, would comment that such Monday holidays didn’t ease my schedule very much. It would have been reasonable for me to simply add a Tuesday or some other day as my extra holiday, but for lots of reasons, that rarely happened.

It has got me to thinking about what one would do if you really took one whole day off from all responsibilities. What if you gave yourself permission to be totally self-indulgent for a complete day? In this particular fantasy, I’m saying what would you do totally for self? Yes, I know you love your family and would want to do something with them, and that is good, but what if one day, you simply pampered yourself?

I might begin breakfast with a hot fudge sundae, go to a book store and buy a fast paced novel that had no social value but was just fun to read, get a hot latte and begin reading it from cover to cover in a shaded park with a very comfortable lawn chair. If I completed the novel in time, maybe I would take in a late movie or find a good restaurant and indulge in a slow, really good meal with a friend.

The next day would be back to reality, but it might be a really refreshing day that might nurture me in ways I can’t anticipate. What would your day look like?

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