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ClergyInterim pastors

Interim Pastors

By October 11, 2013No Comments


In recent years, the role of interim pastor has become almost a norm for vacant churches.    Sometimes the role of the interim pastor is to help resolve some past conflicts and wounds so that the new pastor has a more even playing field when s/he arrives. Interim pastors can also help a church reflect on the possibilities inherent in this time of transition. Even if the previous pastorate has been productive and satisfying, it still carries the imprint of the prior pastor’s personality and interests. Now, during this time of transition, a church can examine  its direction and consider if there are some new directions it wants to consider.


However, I want to suggest an additional task that an interim can play.  An interim is in a better position than most to convey the importance of a congregation contributing to the maintenance of the health of a pastor. The interim can  share with the congregation the challenge in recent years to the health of the pastor, before a pastor is chosen so that it is not reflective of any particular person. S/he can help the congregation to understand some of the dynamics of modern ministry that can contribute to unhealthy patterns for a pastor. S/he can help them understand that the better a pastor is, the more s/he needs to pay attention to the stewardship of his or her health .


Drawing upon the work of the Pastoral Care Network or other resources, the interim can suggest some initial actions that the congregation and its leadership can take towards the care of their new pasto0r. They can also help the congregation create an atmosphere that communicates to the new clergy that they expect the pastor to pay attention to his or her health and that of the pastor’s family. By creating this understanding, a new pastor enters a community that communicates an understanding that they expect this to be part of the new pastor’s ministry.

In the next couple of blogs, I will explore some specific actions that such a congregation can take towards this purpose.


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