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ClergySpiritual Health

Jesus Choice of Disciples

By June 5, 2012One Comment

Sometimes we look at the membership of our congregation and we grow discouraged. It’s helpful at such times to recall those whom Jesus called to be his first twelve disciples. Below are some of the descriptions of the qualities of the disciples.
1. A group of laymen; no reference to any of them being schooled in religion and many came from trades that required little formal education.
2. James and John had trouble holding their tempers.
3. Peter had a tendency to use coarse language. (See RSV translation.)
4. Disciples often tried to second guess the wisdom of Jesus’ actions.
5. Peter debated whether Jesus was right in his understanding of the messiahship.
6. Thomas was a doubter.
7. They all ran away at a crucial moment.
8. James and John tried to use their mother to get positions of favor.
9. Tax collectors like Levi were felt to be disloyal to their country and often dishonest as well.
10. The disciples quarreled among themselves.
11. Jesus spoke of his disciples lacking faith.
12. At least one of them belonged to the Zealots, an extreme political activist party .
13. Peter’s faith often failed him at crucial moments.
14. The disciples concern for themselves often overcame their being able to understand the implications of their own experience with Jesus.
15. Judas betrayed Jesus.

You can try to match the following Scriptures with the characteristics above. Luke 6:15; Matthew 26:8; Mark 1:16-20; John 20:2425; Mark 8:32; Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 3:17; Matthew 14:25-31; Mark 14:71; Mark 2:13-17; Mark 9: 33-37; Matthew 16:5-10; Mark 10:35-37;; Mark 14:50; Luke 22:3-6.

After you have pondered these disciples for awhile, identify 1 or 2 people in your congregation that might be symbolized by similar characteristics. What does it mean that Jesus included such people in the original disciples, and now in your congregation?

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